Experimental Architecture Biennale, Prague
Works by Rexlab Marjan Colletti and University of Applied Arts Vienna by Studio Hadid, Studio Lynn, Studio Rashid and EXCESSIVE/Hernan Diaz Alonso
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Experimental Architecture Biennale, Prague
Works by Rexlab Marjan Colletti and University of Applied Arts Vienna by Studio Hadid, Studio Lynn, Studio Rashid and EXCESSIVE/Hernan Diaz Alonso
Elisava Workshop with Jordi Truco
There is growing interest in finding guidelines in living systems to help us understand new forms of designing. New organic ways, imitating natural form aided by digital modeling resources.
MAK Vienna Exhibition
For the tenth time, the University of Applied Arts Vienna showed selected individual and group works by students and graduates to mark the culmination of the 2010/11 academic year.
Excessive Studio | Hernan Diaz Alonso
The studio proposed to re-examine the possibilities of form generation as an autonomous entity. In the context of these conditions, the studio focued in the generation and production of mutant micro behaviors that accumulate to create species from systems.
Excessive Studio in L.A.
Working in a laboratory environment, students developed knowledge by investigating and applying the possibilities of emerging theories, as well as testing new design territories such as scripting, biogenetics, genetic codification, new materials, and cellular systems.
Excessive Studio in Venice
Mirco-techniques for combining the thresholds of the horrific-becoming-beautiful and the beautiful-becoming-horrific have imprinted themselves as visual-temporal cues on the current design retina. Monstrosity is the new sex. Lust still rules the empire of desire, only the desires are more elaborate – multiple, complex, intelligent, emotive.