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“We focus on the moment of a human thought. How much more is man than his visible shell? Apart from the myriad cellular processes that make up our body, how does our psychic existence manifest itself?”
The genesis of this picture series delves into a nuanced creative process. It embarked on the ambitious journey of translating the familiar patterns of meaning, traditionally crafted with pen on paper, into a 3D model.
Sections of the original drawings underwent a transformation into 3D, meticulously rendered within the realm of a 3D program. Seeking to infuse a surprising twist and a more abstract essence, the images underwent post-processing on multiple levels. Notably, this artistic evolution unfolded without the aid of artificial intelligence.
The depth of meaning in these images is rooted in an attempt to encapsulate the functional layers of human thought in a singular moment. It's akin to capturing the ephemeral snapshot of a facial expression—a glimpse into the intricate workings of the mind.